Скрипторий: Jabali shuyookh (rage of elements) - pf2.ru

Скрипторий: Monster - jabali shuyookh (rage of elements)

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Monster - jabali shuyookh (rage of elements)

Jabali Shuyookh
Creature 12
A jabali genie of great power and high social rank is called a shuyookh. Strong in body and mind, jabali shuyookhs value physical skill, fine artistry, and displays of strength. Incredibly proud, they're easily offended and quick to anger but lash out only after weighing the consequences. Shuyookhs view their desires as greater than those around them, leading them to provide aid as quickly and efficiently as possible, fulfilling the terms of bargains expediently and to the letter.
Jabali shuyookhs are industrious and have many interests, including athletic competitions, engineering, jewelry-making, masonry, metalworking, and sculpting. They enjoy games of chance and bargaining, whether in a gambling hall, arena, or marketplace. Some mix their interests by managing organizations or guilds involving such concerns. Many shuyookhs reap the wealth of the Plane of Earth for sale elsewhere and speculate on the value of such commodities.
Recall Knowledge - Elemental ( Arcana, Nature): DC 35
Unspecific Lore: DC 33
Specific Lore: DC 30
Source Rage of Elements
Perception +21; darkvision, tremorsense (imprecise) 60 feet
Languages Common, Petran; truespeech
Skills Athletics +25, Crafting +21, Deception +22, Nature +19, Society +21
Str +7, Dex +1, Con +5, Int +5, Wis +3, Cha +4
Items +1 striking falchion
AC 33; Fort +24, Ref +20, Will +22
HP 210
Speed 20 feet, burrow 45 feet, climb 20 feet; earth glide
Melee 1 falchion +28 [+23/+18] ( forceful, magical, reach 10 feet, sweep), Damage 2d10+14 slashing Melee 1 fist +27 [+23/+19] ( agile, magical, nonlethal, reach 10 feet), Damage 2d6+13 bludgeoning plus Push 15 feet and stone clutch Ranged 1 rock +27 [+22/+17] ( brutal, range increment 120 feet), Damage 2d8+13 bludgeoning Arcane Innate Spells DC 32; 8th earthquake; 7th plane shift (to Astral Plane; Elemental Planes; or the Universe only); 6th flesh to stone, stoneskin (at will; self only); 5th illusory disguise, wall of stone; 4th shape stone (at will); Cantrips (6th) detect magic; Constant (5th) tongues
Change Shape 1 ( arcane, concentrate, polymorph) The jabali transforms into a Small or Medium earth elemental or land animal, typically a camel or dog. This doesn't affect the shuyookh's statistics, but it could change the damage type of their Strikes. Earth Glide The jabali can Burrow through dirt and stone at their full burrow Speed, leaving no tunnels or signs of their passing. Earthen Control When the shuyookh casts wall of stone, the edges can pass through creatures, which are shunted to the side of the wall opposite that edge. Economical Wish ( downtime) Frequency three times per year; Effect The shuyookh conducts a wish ritual for the benefit of a mortal, requiring no cost or secondary casters. The shuyookh's result is a success if they succeed at a DC 5 flat check or a failure if not. The shuyookh fulfills the wish in the most straightforward, simple way possible. Stone Clutch ( arcane, earth) When the jabali Pushes a creature into a stone barrier, the surface grips it with fingers of stone. The target must succeed at a DC 30 Reflex save or become grabbed by the surface ( Escape DC 36). Stone Crush 1 ( arcane, earth) The jabali deals 2d6+13 bludgeoning damage to all creatures within 100 feet that are grabbed by stone clutch, with a DC 32 basic Fortitude save.

Industry Titans

The mercantile empires of jabali shuyookhs extend across the Plane of Earth and onto other planes. Jabalis especially like to trade in regions of the Universe and across the Plane of Fire. Many customers value gemstones, metals, and other precious materials mined on the Plane of Earth. Thus, the resources of the Plane of Earth feed industry across the planes.